It is possible to download map data from the OpenStreetMap dataset in a number of ways. The full dataset is available from the OpenStreetMap website download area. It is also possible to select smaller areas to download. Data normally comes in the form of XML formatted. If you just want to use a "map" e. This is a snapshot of the current data, usually from last Wednesday. This is about GB compressed in , and growing each day.
The planet history contains even the history of almost all objects and is even bigger. Probably easiest and fastest way to download whole planet file is by using Bittorrent client. Alternatively, you can use download-osm tool from OpenMapTiles project to quickly download the entire planet from multiple mirrors at once, without overloading the primary server. The tool will ensure the download data is consistent with MD5 hash. The easiest way is to run the tool using Docker.
For example, share the current directory and let the tool place your file there. Anything after the -- is passed to aria2c.
The one for Windows should be similar. Several extracts allow to download more manageable file sizes, from an entire continent to parts of a country. Tools like Osmosis , osmconvert , and osmfilter will assist you to extract specific data from these extracts. XAPI , Overpass API and the Export Tool allow to download custom data sets like arbitrary bounding boxes, elements with specific tags, public transport networks or other features.
See Processed data providers , especially BBBike. There are various other and of course you can create your own shapefiles from OSM data. Sign up to join this community.
The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Downloading shapefile from OpenStreetMap? Ask Question. Asked 2 years, 5 months ago. Active 2 years, 5 months ago. Viewed times.
Improve this question. Neicooo Neicooo 81 7 7 bronze badges. They are the common format for OpenStreetMap raw data and need few memory for storage. Daily diff updates. They contain the changes of one day. The PBF files can be updated with them. Files ending in ". They need more storage space, their processing is not as efficient due to the usage of the XML format. They are offered for backward compatibility with older software.
We recommend to switch to the PBF format. You need special software to process OSM raw data. It is usually command line and server software for Linux. Common tools to process OpenStreetMap raw data are:.