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Faithful Bloggers Member. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy. Loading Comments Email Required Name Required Website.

Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. It appears your browser does not have it turned on. Please see your browser settings for this feature. Each free music page had to be intricately tied to the database system and systematically worked into the whole of the Godly Christian Music website.

When this process was completed the initial bare bones functionality was made available to the free Christian music listeners. Work didn't end there though, once the initial front side of the site was up, all the other little features needed to be programed in and activated for people to use when searching our free music.

Some of these other features included: the ability for the artists to post chords and lyrics with their free songs, an opportunity for listeners to post testimonies about how they have been blessed by Godly Christian Music, and the option for artist to post events where they might be leading worship.

Now, ongoing labor continues and minor changes are made to the site to better accommodate the users' experience.

In addition, the site administrator has begun recording new artists and finding more free songs to encourage the site's listeners. Correspondence has also been increasing as talented artists find the site and ask to post their free songs here.

Therefore, work on Godly Christian Music likely won't end for quite some time to come. Keep coming back and checking things out each month as the site grows. Please pray for the artists, the administrator, and the Godly Christian Music website so that we may be able to continue bringing you your favorite Christian song downloads for free!

The idea for making this website started in late when a brother named Scott Emery in Grand Rapids Michigan wanted to share some music that the Lord had given him. Having learned to play the guitar earlier in life he began focusing his efforts toward blessing the body of Christ by writing many songs that were directly from the bible.

During that year, he had also encountered others the Lord blessed musically. The music that these saints had put together was floating around on various tapes and CDs, but as a whole, these songs were only available to a small, scattered group of people throughout the United States. Alan Martin was living in Missouri at the time and had recoded several inspirational songs many years ago. The music was put on a cassette tape and only a very small number of people ever knew it existed.

In early , this tape was digitally re-mastered and made public through this website. Since that time, Alan Martin has also recorded a few other christian christian songs that are presently on this site as well.

Download them NOW for Free! They to were also living in Missouri at the time and have over 10 children. Through the years, they have written several songs that they would sing as a family.

In , they recorded their music and sent it to several families in Grand Rapids. You can now find the contents of that CD here. Click here to listen to the CD Free of charge! Around , Scott went to Ohio with a couple other brothers from Grand Rapids to hear a christian man speak about what a New Testament church looks like. While there, Scott was asked to share a couple songs with everyone.

Face To Face - Ivory Palaces. Love Lifted Me. Does Jesus Care. The Longer I Serve Him. In Times Like These. The Beautiful Garden Of Prayer. When Morning Comes. Just Over In Glory Land. Yes God Is Real. My Tribute. Hawaiian Melody - Beyond The Sunset. The King Is Coming. Liebestraum - Great Is Thy Faithfulness. It's Real. The Love Of God.

The Wayfaring Stranger. What Grace Is This. Lead Me Gently Home Medley. Cleanse Me. Sonata Pathetique in C Minor. Open Your Eyes Medley. To A Wild Rose Medley. I Need Thee Every Hour. Clair de Lune Medley. Thy Word. In This Very Room. Balm In Gilead Medley. Be Still My Soul. Patriotic Medley. Precious Memories. Holy of Holies - Performance Track. My Soul Longs For You.

Draw Me. I Will Sing! Free Christian Music by Jamie Bollinger. Make Your Heart. Treasure Of My Life. Free Christian Music by Goodbye Audio. In This Place. You Are. God Bless. God Is Love. He's The Silver Lining. I Believe In Love.

I Promise. Loaves and Fishes. Love and Peace. Free Christian music by The Road Crew. Lay Me Down. Right Where I'm Standing. Seek Me. I Will Worship You. Sweet Sweet Spirit. Our Lord. I Believe In Jesus.

Flow Through Me. Come With Us O Blessed. Easter Hymn. Jesus All My Gladness. Kings Weston. Passion Chorale. Praise To The Lord. Sine Nomine. Patrick's Breatplate. Wondrous Love. Digno, Digno, Digno Worthy. Uncertain Steps of Faith. Teach Me Oh God. He Is Here. As The Watchman Waits. In The Stillness of My Apathy. Show Me Your Glory. Get A Life. Free Christian Music - Rachel Scott. Home To Me. I Thank God For You. Lighted Rooms. I Will Go - Track 0. I Will Go - Track 1. I Will Go - Track 2.

I Will Go - Track 3. I Will Go - Track 4. I Will Go - Track 5. I Will Go - Track 6.


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