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Jump to Page. Search inside document. What happened to me? What am I talking about? It seems everyone has some stupid profit motive in everything you do? What is deal here? Is that the way all everyone online thinks? Why has everyone got me categorized for some worthless promoter of crap like them, simply because I write articles and submit them online? Many eBook promoters have attempted to recruit my writing talents, assuming that I would lower my standards of ethics and join them in some sort of online hype to scam people.
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We fight monster everywhere. But unless hunters can unite, our weapons, knowledge and tools will be lost with each of us. Together we stand, divided we fall. This book updates hunters on their fellows' activities worldwide. It spreads the word about the most dangerous game across the globe, and it offers tips on how to fight and defeat the enemy. Not only is the Survival Guide full of story ideas for any chronicle, it puts hunters on the alert for monsters still at large, perhap That was before.
Now that the Messengers have touched them, the imbued recognize the real horrific world ruled by monsters.
But who are the Messengers, where did monsters come from and why were these once-blind people chosen to inherit the Earth? The answers lie in the ravings of a madman. Following in the tradition of Vampires Book of Nod, this trade-sized, leatherette-bound book captures the omens and portents of one of hunters most crazed yet prophetic minds, and bears the answers to all hunters haunting questions: Why was I chosen?
What must I do to save the world? Part of the Ye And yet, those lucky or cursed few who have survived have gained deep insights into the truth. Now they emerge as the most powerful and dangerous of the imbued, but are they still human? The Harder They Fall Hunter: Fall from Grace travels the roads hunters may walk to rise from ignorance to a maddening understanding of the supernatural world. Achieving these heights brings with it astonishing gifts, but at what price, and can these extremists ever see eye to eye with "lesser" imbued ever again?
The next in the Year of the Damned series for But the imbued aren't the only ones to oppose the creatures of the night. Government agents, crusaders and mystics wage their own wars. How do these people perceive the chosen? Can alliances be forged? Or is war inevitable between all these hunters? And can monsters reap the rewards? The Crusade Begins Hunter: First Contact introduces the imbued to the World of Darkness' existing hunter groups such as the Inquisition, the Arcanum, and to secret government agencies.
Finally, humanity's oldest and newest champions meet, but can they see eye to eye, let alone fight side by side? Every hunter must answer the call in his own way, according to his own values and beliefs. What other choice does he have? But what if a radically different outlook made the hunt a radically different reality?
What if you could make the hunt your own? In the Cradle of Civilization? Hunter: Holy War invites you to travel to the Fertile Crescent - the Middle East and Egypt - to discover what beasts lurk even under the desert sun.
Whether your hunter travels to this foreign land or is the desert's son, learn how different cultures answer the call - and how their hunt is different from that of the West Hunters don't know if Scripture gets it right, but they do know one thing: Darkness has fallen and its Hell on Earth.
Things that can be called no less than demons walk among us, tempting the righteous, corrupting the innocent and orchestrating the end of the world. Can they be stopped before the Devil gets his due? Hunter: The Infernal explores the blasphemous realm of demons as hunters desperately seek out devils' strengths, fears and weaknesses.
But the tempters have discovered hunters, too, and are willing to strike a bargain. Can hunters possibly drive the infernal host back into the Pit? If they can't, there will be Hell to pay They stalk the cities and prey upon the unsuspecting human masses.
Man-beasts, shapechangers, werewolves. The name doesnt matter. Theyre abominations, a part of and a violation of both man and nature. Thats why hunters set out to prove whos the real king of the beasts, once and for all. Never Cry Wolf Hunter: The Moonstruck explores the savage realm of shapechangers as hunters perceive it, learning man-beasts strengths, fears and weaknesses.
The predators may seek to cull the human herd, but now they discover that the flock has grown teeth of its own. The hunters become the hunted. The name doesn't matter. All of them are inhuman, undead parasites that feed off the living and keep humanity under their thumb. They may have worked from the shadows before, but hunters see them now.
The imbued know, and they won't let the nightcrawlers have their way anymore. It's time that bloodsuckers were shown the light - daylight.
Must Be Disciplined Hunter: The Nocturnal explores the undead real of vampires as hunters perceive it, learning leeches' strengths, fears and weaknesses. But rots have discovered hunters, too. When ancient and mysterious vampires meet new and unprecedented hunters, there can only be bloodshed. Mortal or immortal, we all destroy what we don't understand Myths and legends describe them as powerful magicians, wise sages and humanity's helpful guides.
Hunters know better. In the modern world, wizards make the impossible possible, changing the very face of reality on a whim for their own mysterious purposes. What kind of hold do they have over mankind? Hunters intend to find out - and break it. Burn, Baby, Burn Hunter: The Spellbound explores the magical realm of wizards as hunters perceive it, learning warlocks' strengths, fears and weaknesses.
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