Support recommends the practice quiz mimic the configuration of the official exam session and contain a single question confirming that the user was able to successfully launch Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor If applicable. Please Review the Student Quick start Resource Guide for helpful instructions to enhance the quiz taking experience.
Windows Support. Mac Support. Introduction to Respondus LockDown Browser. Assess whether all of your students have access to a functioning webcam: Instructors who want to use the LockDown Browser in conjunction with Respondus Monitor should check with their students to ensure that each student has a functioning webcam.
It also allows you and your students to identify any potential challenges that may emerge with the system. Consider creating a one or two question quiz with a fun prompt to give students a chance to see how the software functions. Consider accessibility and assistive technology needs for your students: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor both have limitations when it comes to accessibility and their ability to be accessed with assistive technology.
Please consider the accessibility needs of your students before deciding to move forward with LockDown Browser or Monitor. Accessibility Considerations Respondus Lockdown Browser has limitations when it comes to accessibility and being accessed with assistive technology: Screen Reader Technology: The Mac version will work with VoiceOver standard screen reader that comes with Mac OS. For Windows, students must have the most current version of LockDown Browser.
Respondus Monitor raises concerns for students with visual or mobility disabilities, as they may not be able to accurately show an ID to the webcam in order to pass certain check points. It can be used independently of Respondus Monitor. You must have enabled LockDown Browser for your assessment in order to enable Monitor features.
It prevents the user from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during an assessment. Student Quick Start Guide. First, you need to download the RLB tool to your computer. When you do this, it will place a RLB icon on your desktop.
If you have problems downloading, installing, or taking an assessment with Respondus LockDown Browser, contact your instructor. If you do, it will lock your computer. The only way to get out of a self test is to shut down your computer and reboot the system.
Minot State Online.