Prison architect pc update 8 download

To bring these characters to life, Introversion teamed up with award winning professional writer Chris Hastings, producing an enthralling tale of corruption and human misery set against the background of the modern prison industrial complex. Finished your supermax?

Got guard dogs roving every corridor and prisoners eating out of your hand? Now you can live the horror by firing up escape mode and play as a prisoner hell-bent on getting the hell out of dodge.

Figure out how to escape from your own creation, or hit the random button and load one of the 12, prisons created by the steam co. Download Links :. Link MegaUp. Link Mega. Crack if needed put the crack into the game folder. Reaper-Games Home. I like the bar at the bottom and think this is fine, however when I click and open one of the menus for something like the "Objects" for example, this gradient is pretty prominent. The items seem to be floating and can be hard to read on the gradient and harder to focus on the images with the background colour, especially with some objects that kind of blend with the background like the windows, weight benches, metal detectors, etc.

Overall not much of a fan of the gradient and I do prefer how the old one looked in this regard. I thought the old one looked cleaner and was easier to find objects as they stood out more and the names were easier to read. Also this font seems different and doesn't help with the issue of reading the things. Edit: I'd like to add some positives here too. I actually really love all of the additional content that has been added.

And more. Details Here. We're closing in on the end game now and we've conquered one of the big last hurdles - Parole. Build a parole room, set a schedule and let the Warden, Chief and Lawyer battle over a prisoner's future. Get it right, get a little bonus; get it wrong and be slammed with a fiscal penalty for your lefty liberal softly-softly touchy-feely weak on crime, weak on the causes of crime attitude.

We've also brought in Libraries and Places of Worship - Enjoy! Merry Christmas Everyone! It's a shorter month before we all head off to sit around trees and open presents in front of roaring fires, but we've still got one last great update for Fixed: If there is no infirmary, doctors will now hang out in the delivery area rather than wandering the prison.

This probably isn't the fix many of you were hoping for, but this is a prison, not a hospital. Doctors don't randomly wander the halls searching for people to heal in prison. Quantum tunneling and food delivery do not play well together - that's what we have learnt from your feedback last month, so we've been busting our balls to fix our food system and we've finally fixed it we hope. From now on PA will map prisoners and kitchens onto specific Canteens, but when the AI gets it wrong you can make changes.

It's another bug bash! We've spent the month slogging our way through the bug database and fixing the highest priority issues to being you a slicker, faster, better, less buggy Prison Architect.

Tell your mates, put it on Facebook, set twitter on fire, let the world know that Prison Architect now comes with a digital clock. See full changelog here Bug Fixes: Too many to list here.

You've had it too easy for too long We've heard tales of stable prisons that run themselves overnight and we've decided that no self-respecting strategy game should be this easy. We've introduced new prisoner "reputations" that mean they're not just going to sit still because their needs are met. No, these boys are going to mess things up!

This game just got a whole lot harder Shush, you ain't seen me, right? Get me out of this hole and I'll tell you what you want to know We've introduced Confidential Informants - Snitches - these guys can help you to root out all the nasties, but be careful, over use them and their fellow prisoners will figure it out and juck 'em.

When the cravings get too bad, just take a stroll to the outer wall Contraband now gets thrown over walls and smuggled in the Chef's ingredients. You're gonna need some more dogs! Faster, sleeker and less frustrating: All 5 programmers coded there way through 18 days of bug stomping effort and managed to kill 73 major bugs and resolve over duplicate issues. Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you: A less buggy version of Alpha I want to get High, so High.

Prison life can be tough so who can blame a fella for seeking out a little chemical relief from the strain of daily life? Well, you probably, when you have to start dealing with medical emergencies and violence as the junkies fight over the final wrap. Drug abuse is a tough issue to get right and this is only our first pass.

Even so, maybe you can get those methadone programs working and clean up your jail? So you can use a bank loan to escape bankruptcy if it is available. Fixed: Army trucks no longer get stuck on locked Road Gates. You've all had it too easy for too long. Sitting there, building your prisons, not caring about deaths or insolvency. We've also graded all prisoners on four scales: Punishment, Reform, Security and Health.

You can check these out in the rap sheet and when summed over the whole prison you end up with a score. Lefty-liberal reformist paradise or super-right super-max super bad ass punishment amplifier - you go ahead and max those stats. The Punishment Inspector shall be pleased. Fixed: Having negative cash reserves stopped hourly cash flow from happening. Fixed: Prisoner sentences counted down faster on larger maps, due to the time warp factor used. Fixed: In the "New prison" window, the "Fog of war" and "Continuous intake" tick boxes didn't work properly.

And More - Details Here. This month it's all about the greenback. Right from Alpha 1 the finance system has been broken - there's never enough money to do what you want to do, when you want to do it. Well, no more. We've introduced more grants, bank loans and the selling of shares in your prison to raise more funds. The mid game is now much more directed and focussed and really changes the way PA is played. Please let us know what you think! This fixes a bug with the foreman being expected to teach multiple workshop induction classes at once.

Fixed: Prisoners working as janitors would stand around in the cleaning cupboard doing nothing, unless you had at least one janitor hired, or if you had very few janitors in a large jail. Fixed: Cutting down a tree near a wall square will no longer demolish that wall square. Fixed: Experience will no longer tick up on dead prisoners.

Until recently you'd be forgiven for thinking that Prison Architect was brought to you by the video games department of the republican party. It's all been about locking them up and keeping them down. We've always wanted PA to be balanced and we've made the first tentative steps into allowing you to reform your prisoners. Fixed: Armed guards now sometimes shout warnings at inmates before firing, unless those inmates are attacking staff or about to escape.

Fixed: Face-in-the-game entries are now sorted to the top of the community biographies list. Fixed: Sun shadows on trees were sometimes rendered much too large. This time we've got bad ass mo-fos with boom sticks. You've asked for them and we have answered the call and delivered shot-gun toting armed guards.

These guys are excellent for suppressing your prisoners more raucous behaviors. Stick a couple of these dudes in the canteen or the yard and things'll calm right down.

Useful they just wander around looking tough, but hit that weapons free button and things'll get messy - you'll lose so many prisoners that it'll be a game-over event, but don't let that stop you blowing off some steam. Fixed: Subscribing and unsubscribing to your own mod in Steam Workshop will no longer delete your mod from your hard drive. Fixed: The scrollbar in the Staff and Prisoner list screens now works correctly.

Fixed: Prisoners can no longer tunnel under lakes. Space to grow: Three outer rooms facilitate agriculture: fruit gardens, farm fields and vegetable allotments. But not that, players can recruit staff farm staff, build kitchens to store products, and build items related to agriculture. Best friend: Inmates who enjoy natural beauty can grow other flowers and plants recreationally. Gardening affects prisoners and gives them positive recreational activities. In addition to the new rest room, you have to lay a gas pipeline, build a separate block for the kitchen, hire cooks, security guards, train them, write a security code and decide what kind of prison your prison will be: a strict regime with the use of violence or the same regime, but with more gentle treatment of prisoners?

The most notorious criminals will be taken to your refuge, so be prepared that they will repeatedly try to escape. To prevent escapes or a riot among prisoners which will slowly develop into a riot of employees , it is necessary to satisfy all the requirements of repeat offenders, but do not forget that they are murderers, rapists and robbers - and with them it is okay, but not for long!

Build a torture, execution room; install plumbing and improve the structure of the prison.


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