Cancel Save. Universal Conquest Wiki. This section is incomplete. More links to articles, for structures generated by this mod, are needed. Animations 7. Patches 8. Outputs 8. Mod Organizer 2 Installation. Mod Organizer 2 Installation 1. Select "I accept" and click on Next. Mod Organizer 2 Installation 2. Click on browse. Mod Organizer 2 Installation 3. Mod Organizer 2 Installation 4. Click on Next. Mod Organizer 2 Installation 5. Mod Organizer 2 Installation 6.
Mod Organizer 2 Installation 7. Select create desktop shortcut and click on Next. Mod Organizer 2 Installation 8. Click on Install. Mod Organizer 2 Installation 9. Wait until the program is installed. Mod Organizer 2 Installation Uncheck Launch Mod Organizer and click on Finish. Mod Organizer 2 Configuration. Mod Organizer 2 Configuration 1. Mod Organizer 2 Configuration 2. Select Create a portable instance and click on Next. Mod Organizer 2 Configuration 3.
Should work in MP. If you take it off mid-save the ruined settlements marked by this mod will remain uncolonizable by the AI. You can see the number of turns when hovering over the settlement name like in the screenshot, but won't show if you renamed the settlement.
If you have the Mod Configuration Tool you can change the following options: Enable for all factions played by a human player, not just Chaos, Beastmen and Norsca. Set max number of cooldown turns. I actually have no idea what happens when you run both SFO and this mod together, one version of the mod probably wins out. Mod no worky? Dom 3 Oct am. There are no script conflicts in the mod manager. I do use a few mods though Lampros 5 Sep pm. Joe, would you consider a system where a razed settlement will have a delay before settling, regardless of who did the razing?
They have a small chance of dropping Trident or their Turtle Helmet. They can also have unique Firework Stars and rarely, Dragon's Breath too! Also, they got unique banners! You may find maps and unique Firework Stars in their chests! Extra spawners are added to storage room, the room with the pillar that holds 4 Torches, and fountain room. You can configure this mod with configs and datapacks!
The config is split up into many files for better organization and ease of editing. Do note that the config will affect all worlds so keep that in mind. Furthermore, you can make datapacks to modify or change a huge amount of stuff in my mod including modifying how structures look! Here's a flat world of all the pieces of my nbt-based structures. Use this to make editing and overriding structure pieces easier with datapacks: Repurposed Structures - pieces world click here.
All the tags this mod uses are under data. The json tag files you can override can be found at: Block Tags for Repurposed Structures click here. If you want to change the loot tables that the structures in this mod uses, you can override my loot tables with a data pack! The mob spawner for all none-nbt based structures can be changed with datapacks as well!
You can download the spawner datapack here and change the entries inside the json files to add, remove, or change mob chances in spawners! And some structure pieces such as Wells, Villages, Outposts, Shipwrecks, Pyramids, and Igloos can also be overridden with datapacks.
Furthermore, the template pools that holds structure pieces for Villages and other structures can also be overridden with datapacks to add your own pieces to the villages or other structures! You can find what pieces or pools can be replaced and their filenames here: Overridable structure nbt files click here Overridable structure pool files click here.
For the expert datapackers, there's actually a hidden neat way to add new pieces to any Jigsaw Structure without overriding their pool file!
Neat stuff! And it works with other pools too! Just make sure the piece you are adding has a Jigsaw Block with the right name so the actual structure can connect and spawn the piece. Let me know if you think of a new config option that you would need and I will try and add it!
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