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Community Collections. Lead Channing Tatum in this film is a kind of an Eminem light. He's a kid being raised in a foster home in Baltimore and he's been busted for breaking in and trashing the Maryland School of Arts.
As punishment he gets to do janitorial service at that same school. Channing's got some moves though and he hooks up with a girl from the right side of the tracks, Jenna Dewan, who needs a rehearsal partner.
If you've seen all the films mentioned above you've got a pretty good idea what follows. If the film is hardly original, it doesn't mean that it's bad. Both the leads have some real moves on the dance floor and as Tatum regrettably remarked, he found out that dancing can indeed be like rocket science.
Tyler Gage Channing Tatum is a foster kid who is stealing cars with his boys. One night, he breaks into an arts school and causes some vandalism. He gets caught and is sentenced to hours of community service at the arts school. Director Gordon Rachel Griffiths runs the school.
Nora Clark Jenna Dewan loses his dance partner with a sprain ankle and she pairs up with Tyler to practice for her big dance. The story is cheesy and simplistic but it has some hokey charm to it. The acting is all about Channing Tatum. He's got the arrogant charm of the lead character.
Jeanna Dewan has a bit of vulnerability but not quite as compelling. For a dance movie, it has just enough goodness to embrace. Only notable for the chemistry between its two leads Any attempt at dramatic tension makes itself known far too late to save the film, and just feels like a cheap afterthought, because it's an expected part of 'the formula'. How such laziness made enough money to spawn a franchise is beyond me.
Login Register. Loading, please wait. Quality: All p p p 3D. Year: All Select movie quality. Please enable your VPN when downloading torrents. Similar Movies. Synopsis In Baltimore, the troublemaker and street dancer Tyler Gage lives with his foster parents in a lower class neighborhood.