Technic launcher stuck at downloading mod zip

Zombies Plants vs. Zombies 2 Plants vs. Zombies Heroes Other Plants vs. Ready to patch the patcher. Please wait NE false,Network error. Me too. Message 1 of 4 6, Views. Reply 1. Accepted Solution. October You said you checked firewall, just to ensure you added swtor. One weird thing that someone had happen was that after they unistalled swtor, they would reinstall but the icon on their windows screen was the old icon from before it was uninstalled.

Once you have the launcher installed, remove any old icons first then go into the swtor directory and place the launcher. If it still won't patch, 1. Run the launcher and log in. Select the Processes tab. On Windows 7, sort by image name and look for any starting with "br", they should be listed as belonging to Bitraider in the description column. In Windows 8. Right click and end them. Don't worry if they come back. Select the Services tab. In Windows 7, click on the button in the lower right corner that says Services.

Right click on it and select properties. On the General tab, about halfway down, there should be a dropdown menu that says Startup type. Make sure it is set to "Automatic". Hit Apply the OK. Close the Services window, the task manager, and the game launcher. Then restart the entire computer. When computer has restarted, run the launcher and log in.

The download process should now start properly. If that doesn't work, you can also try running a repair: Non-Streaming launcher - Log into the launcher but don't click Play.

Check for small letters "ST" in the bottom left corner. Has anyone else had this issue previously? There appears to be folders created within the directory but nothing else no files.

Your best bet is to head to the specific file in whatever Users folder it installed to My Technic Launcher, for some reason, installs a different mod-pack to every user, instead of keeping to only one name , and delete the specific modpack in the modpacks folder.

If that doesn't work, try deleting the modpack in the Assets folder. And if that doesn't work, you may just have to delete the contents of the. It's the only way I've been able to manually reset my Technic packs. If you're still having trouble, I suggest asking on the official Technic forums. They'll probably have better advice than my own. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Asked 8 years, 1 month ago. Active 6 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 33k times. Improve this question. GoodPie GoodPie 2, 8 8 gold badges 27 27 silver badges 47 47 bronze badges. Add a comment.


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