The nature and properties of soil. Addition of sucrose to forest soils, e. The Nature and Properties of Soils , 14th Ed. Soils of dry regions: Alkalinity, salinity, and sodicity. Wright Jr. Coffin, and N. Aaseng Eds. The Patterned Peatlands of Minnesota. A common theme that has been developed within these diverse points of view is that the concept of soil structure spans Soil Surv. Author : Nyle C. Help readers learn about soils and their connections to the ecosystem The Nature and Properties of Soils is designed to engage readers with the latest in the world of soils.
This hallmark text introduces the exciting world of soils through clear writing, strong pedagogy, and an ecological approach that effectively explains the fundamentals of soil science. Worked calculations, vignettes, and current real-world applications prepare readers to understand concepts, solve problems, and think critically.
Now in full-color, the Fifteenth Edition includes hundreds of compelling photos, figures, and diagrams to bring the exciting world of soils to life. Extensively revised, new and updated content appears in every chapter.
Examples include: coverage of the pedosphere concept; new insights into humus and soil carbon accumulation; subaqueous soils, soil effects on human health; principles and practice of organic farming; urban and human engineered soils; new understandings of the nitrogen cycle; water-saving irrigation techniques; hydraulic redistribution, soil food-web ecology; disease suppressive soils; soil microbial genomics; soil interactions with global climate change; digital soil maps; and many others.
Now in its 14th edition, this text is designed to help make students study of soils a fascinating and intellectually satisfying experience. This text emphasizes the soil as a natural resource and soils as ecosystems. Author : Kim H. Examine the fundamental laws of soil chemistry, how they affect dissolution, cation and anion exchange, and other reactions.
Explore how water can form water-bridges and hydrogen bonding, the most common forces in adsorption, chelation, and more. Discover how electrical charges develop in soils creating electrochemical potentials forcing ions to move into the plant body through barriers such as root membranes, nourishing crops and plants. Since the first edition published in , this resource has made a name for itself as a textbook for upper level undergraduates and as a handy reference for professionals and scientists.
This fourth edition reexamines the entire reach of soil chemistry while maintaining the clear, concise style that made previous editions so user-friendly. He differentiates soil chemistry from geochemistry and physical chemistry. Containing more than equations, figures, and 38 tables, this popular text and resource supplies a comprehensive treatment of soil chemistry that builds a foundation for work in environmental pollution, organic and inorganic soil contamination, and potential ecological health and environmental health risks.
Tan Publisher: CRC Press ISBN: Category: Science Page: View: Read Now » Completely revised and updated, incorporating almost a decade's worth of developments in this field, Environmental Soil Science, Third Edition, explores the entire reach of the subject, beginning with soil properties and reactions and moving on to their relationship to environmental properties and reactions.
Keeping the organization and writing sty. This volume provides diverse examples of successfully implemented sustainable biomass research in Asia, highlighting the challenges faced by designers of new biomass production facilities and tips on how to develop approaches to overcome them.
Provides diverse examples of successfully implemented biomass research, highlighting insights on common bottlenecks and approaches developed to overcome them Features coverage of the full feedstock life cycle, from crop breeding to commercial application, focusing on 3 key areas: biomass production, biofuel conversion technologies, and sustainable practices Examines two regionally compatible feedstock, rice-straw and sunflower, performing a compare and contrast analysis of agricultural production methods, economics, conversion systems, and environmental impacts.
This book focuses on soil health management and creating biased rhizosphere that can effectively augment the needs of sustainable agriculture.
Elements of the Nature and Properties of Soils. This book opens readers' eyes to the fascinating and important world of soils, and the principles that can be used to minimize the degradation and destruction of one of our most important natural resources. Cram Just the FACTS studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: Masterpiece offers a detailed discussion of the nature of the earth's terrestrial environment, and a method of subdividing and studying it.
Long-awaited second edition of classic textbook, brought completely up to date, for courses on tropical soils, and reference for scientists and professionals.
Soil is an irreplaceable resource that sustains life on the planet, challenged by food and energy demands of an increasing population. Therefore, soil contamination constitutes a critical issue to be addressed if we are to secure the life quality of present and future generations. Integrated efforts from researchers and policy makers are required to develop sound risk assessment procedures, remediation strategies and sustainable soil management policies.
Environmental Risk Assessment of Soil Contamination provides a wide depiction of current research in soil contamination and risk assessment, encompassing reviews and case studies on soil pollution by heavy metals and organic pollutants. The book introduces several innovative approaches for soil remediation and risk assessment, including advances in phytoremediation and implementation of metabolomics in soil sciences.
Soil and Environmental Chemistry, Second Edition, presents key aspects of soil chemistry in environmental science, including dose responses, risk characterization, and practical applications of calculations using spreadsheets. The book offers a holistic, practical approach to the application of environmental chemistry to soil science and is designed to equip the reader with the chemistry knowledge and problem-solving skills necessary to validate and interpret data.
All new problem sets and solutions are found at the end of each chapter, and linked to a companion site that reflects advances in the field, including expanded coverage of such topics as sample collection, soil moisture, soil carbon cycle models, water chemistry simulation, alkalinity, and redox reactions.
There is also additional pedagogy, including key term and real-world scenarios. Includes additional pedagogy, such as key terms and real-world scenarios Supplemented by over spreadsheets to migrate readers from calculator-based to spreadsheet-based problem-solving that are directly linked from the text Includes example problems and solutions to enhance understanding Significantly revised chapters link to a companion site that reflects advances in the field, including expanded coverage of such topics as sample collection, soil moisture, soil carbon cycle models, water chemistry simulation, alkalinity, and redox reactions.
Wildland fires are occurring more frequently and affecting more of Earth's surface than ever before. These fires affect the properties of soils and the processes by which they form, but the nature of these impacts has not been well understood. Given that healthy soil is necessary to sustain biodiversity, ecosystems and agriculture, the impact of fire on soil is a vital field of research. Fire Effects on Soil Properties brings together current research on the effects of fire on the physical, biological and chemical properties of soil.
Written by over 60 international experts in the field, it includes examples from fire-prone areas across the world, dealing with ash, meso and macrofauna, smouldering fires, recurrent fires and management of fire-affected soils. It also describes current best practice methodologies for research and monitoring of fire effects and new methodologies for future research.
Much of what you learn from these pages will be of enormous practical value in equipping you to meet the many natural-resource challenges of the 21st century.
You will soon find that the soil system provides many opportunities to see practical applications for principles from such sciences as biology, chemistry, physics, and geology. This newest edition of The Nature and Properties of Soils strives to explain the fundamental principles of Soil Science in a manner that you will find relevant to your interests.
Throughout, the text emphasizes the soil as a natural resource and soils as ecosystems. It highlights the many interactions between soils and other components of forest, range, agricultural, wetland, and constructed ecosystems.
This book will serve you well, whether you expect this to be your only formal exposure to soil science or you are embarking on a comprehensive soil science education. It will provide both an exciting, accessible introduction to the world of soils and a reliable, comprehensive reference that you will want to keep for your expanding professional bookshelf. If you are an instructor or a soil scientist, you will benefit from changes in this latest edition. Most noticeable is the use of full-color throughout which improves the new and refined figures and illustrations to help make the study of soils more efficient, engaging, and intellectually satisfying.
Every chapter has been thoroughly updated with the latest advances, concepts, and applications. Hundreds of new key references have been added. This edition includes in-depth discussions on such topics of cutting edge soil science as the pedosphere concept, new insights into humus and soil carbon accumulation, subaqueous soils, soil effects on human health, principles and practice of organic farming, urban and human engineered soils, cycling and plant use of silicon, inner- and outer-sphere complexes, radioactive soil contamination, new understandings of the nitrogen cycle, cation saturation and ratios, acid sulfate soils, water-saving irrigation techniques, hydraulic redistribution, cover crop effects on soil health, soil food-web ecology, disease suppressive soils, soil microbial genomics, indicators of soil quality, soil ecosystem services, biochar, soil interactions with global climate change, digital soil maps, and many others.
In response to their popularity in recent editions, I have also added many new boxes that present either fascinating examples and applications or technical details and calculations.