Android select download location

Search Support Search. Learn More. Please give me answer I am not able to download any file. Chosen solution When you try to download a file, are you getting an error message? You may want to bookmark this for easier future access. Any luck? Chosen Solution When you try to download a file, are you getting an error message? When you try to download a file, are you getting an error message?

Is there anything I didn't set properly maybe? Thanks in advance. Vladislav I'm using firefox I use only open source applications on all my computers and phones now, Windows lifer convert.

Never been happier now I study programming and coding. I owned the first Droid that came out, several since. I watched having 3g. Now with 4g LTE, limited data, little music is all. Never two apps at the same time without my battery dead by noon, even not using it once in hours. Google claims Android is not Linux, but that it is open source, as they support that; Nothing can be further from the truth. I now could care less about any smart phone, tablet either. None are ever worth the money.

I pay for data for my use, not theirs. Be a leader not a follower, yourself. Inform yourself about what goes on is the only way to fight the corporate greed and denying consumers their own rights to freedom of choice and privacy, and being overburdened by the massive advertisement that the markets have done too long.

Android Device Overheating? Affiliate Disclosure: Make Tech Easier may earn commission on products purchased through our links, which supports the work we do for our readers. Is this article useful? Or do you guys know how can I write an Android application which asks the user download location sd card or usb memory? If you mean downloading from a link in the browser it is up to the browser to set the folder the files are stored in. I am not sure if you can change this in the browser settings or not.

But there is nothing stopping you or anyone from making your own browser application that uses a different folder by default, or even asks the user to set their own choice of download folder. Type about:config go to this address and go past the prompt, change the value of browser. Havent tried this yet im using beta app.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Changing default download location Ask Question. Asked 10 years, 9 months ago. Active 5 years, 7 months ago. Viewed 38k times.


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